
Welcome to this interactive tutorial on the R programming language. This tutorial runs in the learnr (Schloerke, Allaire, and Borges 2020) library and provides a shiny interface (Chang et al. 2021) that will allow you the chance to interact with the examples in the R programming language. You may follow along by simply working in this browser. You may find the content and learning a bit more useful if you work on your own machine as well. This will require loading the necessary software. For this tutorial we will use functions from tidyverse (Wickham 2021b) libraries including ggplot2 (Wickham, Chang, et al. 2021), dplyr (Wickham, François, et al. 2021) and magrittr (Bache and Wickham 2020) among others in the R programming language (R Core Team 2021).

If you are also planning to run this on your own machine then you should start by installing and running R and RStudio. This video walks you through that process.

Using this tutorial

Here is an example of how this tutorial works. The code below calculates the answer to one plus one.

# Change this code so it computes two plus two
1 + 1
2 + 2

For each example there will also generally be a small exercise after the # mark. We will ask you to work in this interface and make changes to the existing code. In this interface you will see options for looking at the solution and sometimes some hints. Feel free to run these here in the web interface and also to run them on your own machine.

You will also always have the option to get a copy of the code to run on your own machine. To do that you will need all the libraries. If these do not load you will also need to use the install.packages() function. i.e. install.packages("datasauRus").

# part of the tidyverse:

Bonus RStudio settings

You will see from the examples throughout the course that I use dark mode in RStudio. You can find these settings and choose the one you like best under Global Options > Appearance. For my display I use the ‘Pastel On Dark’ option.

Using color in code is nice and can also help you troubleshoot code that uses lots of nested parentheses (), square brackets [] or curly braces {}. You can adjust these settings under Global Options > Code > Display.

Data Wrangling Part 1

The video below gives a brief overview of the content covered in this section of the tutorial. All the Data Wrangling slides are also available as a web page.

Notes on R

  • Tidy code style using tidyR
  • Clean and intuitive functions using dplyr
  • Concise code using magrittr ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’

Notes on R: About process

  • “[…] writing R code is a hedonistically artistic, left-brained, paint-in-your-hair sort of experience […]

  • learn how to code the same way we learned how to catch salamanders as children – trial and error, flipping over rocks till we get a reward […]

  • once the ecstasy of creation has swept over us, we awake late the next morning to find our canvas covered with 2100 lines of R code […]

  • Heads throbbing with a statistical absinthe hangover, we trudge through it slowly over days, trying to figure out what we did.”

    Andrew MacDonald

Notes on R: Focus

Notes on R: Keeping track of work

Keep it tidy

When writing .R files use the # symbol to annotate and not run lines. This is a great way to make notes for others and for future you.

We will talk later about using other file types like Rmarkdown for organizing R script and other associated languages. There it will be possible to add a lot more information and text, citations etc. An .R file is intended for code but we can still keep it organized in sections by ending headers with ---- or #### annotation.

# Section 1 ----

# Section 2 ####

# Section 3 ####

Look for the Table of contents in the upper right console of the RStudio scripting pane (next to the Run button).

Read more tips in the Tidyverse Style guide.

Data Wrangling Part 2

The video below offers a brief overview of the content covered in this section of the tutorial. Feel free to watch the video and follow along or simply work through the tutorial.

Notes on tidy R

Keep it tidy

If you are following this tutorial by running the code on your local machine (recommended) then it may make sense to check your R version by running the following code in your R console:


At the time of writing this I am using R version 4.0.4 Lost Library Book (R Core Team 2021). If you do not have this version or something newer it may make sense to update so that you can follow along without pesky version issues.

The easiest way to get libraries for today is to install the whole tidyverse (Wickham 2021b) by typing install.packages("tidyverse") in the R console and then running library(tidyverse):


If you save your work to an .R file (recommended) be sure to annotate any code that you do not intend to run each time with the # symbol. You should only need to install tidyverse once and should be sure to either change that line of code to #install.packages("tidyverse") or remove it from your script.

Read more style tips in the tidyverse style guide (Wickham 2021b).

Notes on tidy R browseVignettes

Keep it tidy

Get a lot of examples and details about the tidyverse by running the following code in the R console: browseVignettes(package = "tidyverse"). Nearly every R library has a collection of vignettes that walk through examples and show, often in explicit detail, the authors intended use of the library.

The tidy tools manifesto

In this tutorial we will be following the basic ideas behind the tidyverse.

Read the full tidyverse manifesto here.

Notes on R: tidyR process

Keep it tidy

  • Good coding style is like correct punctuation:
  • withoutitthingsarehardtoread
  • When your data is tidy, each column is a variable, and each row is an observation
  • Consistent structure lets you focus your struggle on questions about the data, not fighting to get the data into the right form for different functions

Read more style tipes in the tidyverse style guide (Wickham 2021b).

Notes on R: Tidy Data

Three things make a dataset tidy:

  • Each variable with its own column.
  • Each observation with its own row.
  • Each value with its own cell.

Read more about this from Wickham’s paper in the Journal of Statistical Software.

Wrangling: transform

  • Once you have tidy data, a common first step is to transform it
  • narrowing in on observations of interest
  • creating new variables that are functions of existing variables
  • calculating a set of summary statistics

Wrangling: dplyr arguments

Format of dplyr

Arguments start with a data frame

  • select: return a subset of the columns
  • filter: extract a subset of rows
  • rename: rename variables
  • mutate: add new variables and columns or transform
  • group_by: split data into groups
  • summarize: generate tables of summary statistics

Getting your data in R

Load data

The data we will use for this course is on Github and you can save it as a .csv to your local folder.

  • Load the data using the read.csv function
# Use this on your machine
participants_data <- read.csv("participants_data.csv")

Learn more about what this function does by typing ?read.csv in the R console.

You can also get the data from this Github repository by using the read_csv function from the readr library (Wickham, Hester, and Bryan 2021) and url function from base R. In this case you will want to use the ‘save as’ option for the webpage so that you can have it stored locally as a comma separated values (.csv) file on your machine.


urlfile = ""

participants_data <- read_csv(url(urlfile))
  • Keep your data in the same folder structure as .RProj
  • at or below the level of .RProj

Looking at the data

  • View the full data in the console (see the View function to see it in the Rstudio ‘Environment’)
  • Look at the top rows of the data with the head function. The default of the head function is to show 6 rows. This can be changed with the n argument.
# Change the number of rows displayed to 7
     n = 4)
# use the ?head option to learn the details of the function
# look at the 'Arguments' section for the 'n' argument
# The 'n' argument should be changed from 'n = 4' to 'n = 7'
     n = 7)
     n = 7)
  • Check the names of the variables in the data with the names function
  • Look at the structure of the data with the str function
  • Call a particular variable in your data with $
# Change the variable to gender

Follow these steps to see the result of the rest of the transformations we perform with tidyverse.

Wrangling: dplyr library

Using dplyr

Load the dplyr library by running library(dplyr) in the R console. do the same for other libraries we need today library(tidyr) and library(magrittr) Wickham, François, et al. (2021).

Inspiration for many of the following materials comes from Roger Peng’s dplyr tutorial.

Read more about the dplyr library (Wickham, François, et al. 2021).

Wrangling: dplyr::select aca_work_set



Create a subset of the data with the select function:

# Change the selection to batch and age

Wrangling: dplyr::select non_aca_work_filter



Try creating a subset of the data with the select function:

# Change the selection 
# without batch and age

Wrangling: dplyr::filter work_filter



Try creating a subset of the data with the filter function:

# Change the selection to 
# those who work more than 5 hours a day
       working_hours_per_day >10)
       working_hours_per_day >5)

Wrangling: dplyr::filter work_name_filter



Create a subset of the data with multiple options in the filter function:

# Change the filter to those who 
# work more than 5 hours a day and 
# names are longer than three letters
       working_hours_per_day >10 & 
         letters_in_first_name >6)
       working_hours_per_day >5 & 
         letters_in_first_name >3)

Wrangling: dplyr::rename name_length


Change the names of the variables in the data with the rename function:

# Rename the variable km_home_to_office as commute
       name_length = letters_in_first_name)
       commute = km_home_to_office)

Wrangling: dplyr::mutate


# Mutate a new column named age_mean that is a function of the age multiplied by the mean of all ages in the group
       labor_mean = working_hours_per_day*
       age_mean = age*

Wrangling: dplyr::mutate


Create a commute category with the mutate function:

# Mutate new column named response_speed 
# populated by 'slow' if it took you 
# more than a day to answer my email and 
# 'fast' for others
       commute = 
         ifelse(km_home_to_office > 10, 
                 "commuter", "local"))
       response_speed = 
         ifelse(days_to_email_response > 1, 
                        "slow", "fast"))

Wrangling: dplyr::summarize


Get a summary of selected variables with summarize

# Create a summary of the participants_mutate data 
# with the mean number of siblings 
# and median years of study

Wrangling: magrittr use

Pipeline %>%

  • Do all the previous with a magrittr pipeline %>%. Use the group_by function to get these results for comparison between groups.
# Use the magrittr pipe to summarize 
# the mean days to email response, 
# median letters in first name, 
# and maximum years of study by gender
participants_data %>% 
  group_by(research_continent) %>% 
participants_data %>% 
  group_by(gender) %>% 

Now use the mutate function to subset the data and use the group_by function to get these results for comparisons between groups.

# Use the magrittr pipe to create a new column 
# called commute, where those who travel 
# more than 10km to get to the office 
# are called "commuter" and others are "local". 
# Summarize the mean days to email response, 
# median letters in first name, 
# and maximum years of study. 
participants_data %>% 
   mutate(response_speed = ifelse(
     days_to_email_response > 1, 
     "slow", "fast")) %>% 
  group_by(response_speed) %>% 
participants_data %>% 
   mutate(commute = ifelse(
     km_home_to_office > 10, 
     "commuter", "local")) %>% 
  group_by(commute) %>% 

purrr: Apply a function to each element of a vector

We will use the purrr library to run a regression (Henry and Wickham 2020). Run the code library(purrr) in your local R console to load the library.

Now we will use the purrr library for a simple linear regression (Henry and Wickham 2020). Note that when using base R functions with the magrittr pipeline we use ‘.’ to refer to the data. The functions split and lm are from base R and stats (R Core Team 2021).

Use purrr to solve: split a data frame into pieces, fit a model to each piece, compute the summary, then extract the R^2.

# Split the data frame by batch, 
# fit a linear model formula 
# (days to email response as dependent 
# and working hours as independent) 
# to each batch, compute the summary, 
# then extract the R^2.
    participants_data %>%
      split(.$gender) %>% 
          lm(number_of_publications ~ 
                 data = .)) %>%
  map(summary) %>%
    participants_data %>%
      split(.$batch) %>% # from base R
          lm(days_to_email_response ~ 
                 data = .)) %>%
  map(summary) %>%

Learn more about purrr from in the tidyverse and from varianceexplained.

Check out the purr Cheatsheet

### Test your new skills

Your turn to perform

Up until this point the code has been provided for you to work on. Now it is time for you to apply your new found skills. Please work through the wrangling tasks we just went though. Use the diamonds data and make the steps in long format (i.e. assigning each step to an object) and short format with (i.e. with the magrittr pipeline):

  • select: carat and price
  • filter: only where carat is > 0.5
  • rename: rename price as cost
  • mutate: create a variable with ‘expensive’ if greater than mean of cost and ‘cheap’ otherwise
  • group_by: split into cheap and expensive
  • summarize: give some summary statistics of your choice

The diamonds data is built in with the ggplot2 library. It is already available in your R environment. Look at the help file with ?diamonds to learn more about it.

    diamonds %>%
  #   - select: carat and price
      select(carat, price) %>%
# - filter: only where carat is > 0.5
      filter(carat > 0.5) %>%
# - rename: rename price as cost
      rename(cost = price) %>%
# - mutate: create a variable 'cheap_expensive' with 'expensive' if greater than mean of cost and 'cheap' otherwise
    mutate(cheap_expensive = ifelse(
       cost > mean(cost), 
      "expensive", "cheap")) %>%
  # - group_by: split into cheap and expensive
    group_by(cheap_expensive) %>%
  # - summarize: give some summary statistics of your choice
    summarize(mean(cost), mean(carat))

Data Visualization

The video below offers an overview of the content in covered in this section of the tutorial. Keep in mind that I did not yet have your data when I recorded this so the results of my scripts may be slightly different than yours. Feel free to watch the video and follow along or simply work through the tutorial. All the Data Visualization slides are also available as a web page.

Getting stuck

If you ever get stuck

  • Open RStudio

  • Type ? in R console with function, package or data name
  • Add R to an internet search query with a copy of any error message you get from R
  • In RStudio on your machine find Help > Cheatsheets > Data Visualization with ggplot2

For getting help

  • Many talented programmers
  • Some scan the web and answer issues

Hadley Wickham

Yihui Xie

Getting your data in R

  • Load the data with the read.csv function
participants_data <- read.csv("participants_data.csv")
  • Keep your data in the same folder structure as the .RProj file
  • at or below the level of the .RProj file

Creating a barplot in base R

R has several systems for making graphs

  • Base R
  • Create a barplot with the table() and barplot() functions
# Change the barplot by creating a table of gender 
participants_barplot <- table(participants_data$academic_parents)

participants_barplot <- table(participants_data$gender)


Bar plot of number of observations of binary data related to academic parents

ggplot2: ‘Grammar of Graphics’ Overview

Many libraries and functions for graphs in R…

  • ggplot2 is one of the most elegant and most versatile.

  • ggplot implements the grammar of graphics to describe and build graphs.

  • Do more and do it faster by learning one system and applying it in many places.

  • Learn more about ggplot2 in “The Layered Grammar of Graphics”

ggplot2: names and email

Example from your data

# Create a scatterplot of days to email response (y) 
# as a function of the letters in your first name (x) 
ggplot(data = participants_data, 
       aes(x = age, 
           y = number_of_siblings)) + 
ggplot(data = participants_data, 
       aes(x = letters_in_first_name, 
           y = days_to_email_response)) + 

Scatterplot of days to email response as a function of the letters in your first name.

Want to understand how all the pieces fit together? See the R for Data Science book:

ggplot2: add color and size

# Create a scatterplot of days to email response (y) 
# as a function of the letters in your first name (x) 
# with colors representing binary data 
# related to academic parents (color) 
# and working hours per day as bubble sizes (size).
ggplot(data = participants_data, 
       aes(x = age, 
           y = batch, 
           color = gender, 
           size = number_of_siblings)) + 
ggplot(data = participants_data, 
       aes(x = letters_in_first_name, 
           y = days_to_email_response, 
           color = academic_parents, 
           size = working_hours_per_day)) + 

Scatterplot of days to email response (y) as a function of the letters in your first name (x) with colors representing binary data related to academic parents and working hours per day as bubble sizes.

Built in R data

Now we will go over some more options and use some of the data that comes with R and the libraries that we will be working with.

The following video walks through some of the additional functions covered in this tutorial and the methods for applying these.

ggplot2: iris data

Example from Anderson’s iris data set

# Create a scatterplot of iris petal length (y) 
# as a function of sepal length (x) 
# with colors representing iris species (color) 
# and petal width as bubble sizes (size).
ggplot(data = iris, 
       aes(x = Sepal.Width, 
           y = Sepal.Length, 
           color = Species, 
           size = Petal.Length))+ 
ggplot(data = iris, 
       aes(x = Sepal.Length, 
           y = Petal.Length, 
           color = Species, 
           size = Petal.Width))+ 

Scatterplot of iris petal length as a function of sepal length with colors representing iris species and petal width as bubble sizes.

ggplot2: diamonds price

ggplot for plotting simple relationships with the diamonds data set. Adjust the level of opacity of the points with the alpha argument.

# Create a plot with the diamonds data 
# of the carat (x) and the price (y)
plot1 <- ggplot(data = diamonds, 
                aes(x = cut, y = clarity, 
                    alpha = 0.2)) +
plot1 <- ggplot(data = diamonds, 
                aes(x = carat, 
                    y = price, 
                    alpha = 0.2)) +

ggplot accepts formula arguments such as the log function.

# Create a plot with the diamonds data 
# of the log of carat (x) 
# and the log of price (y)
ggplot(data = diamonds,
       aes(x = log(depth),
           y = log(table),
           alpha = 0.2)) +
ggplot(data = diamonds,
       aes(x = log(carat),
           y = log(price),
           alpha = 0.2)) + 

ggplot2: Colors and shapes

Using colors with ggplot geom_point. Here we use the top_n function to select the top few rows of the data (similar to what the head function does when we want to see the top few rows).

# Create a smaller diamonds data set (top 100 rows), 
# create a scatterplot with carat on the x-axis 
# and price on the y-xis and 
# with the color of the diamond as the color of the points. 
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, n = 10)

ggplot(data = dsmall, aes(x = depth, 
                          y = price, 
                          color = cut)) + 
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, n = 100)

ggplot(data = dsmall, aes(x = carat, 
                          y = price, 
                          color = color)) + 

Using shapes with ggplot geom_point

# Create a smaller diamonds data set (top 40 rows), 
# create a scatterplot with carat on the x-axis 
# and price on the y-xis and 
# with the cut of the diamond as the shapes for the points. 
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, 
                n = 10)

ggplot( data = dsmall, 
        aes(x = carat, 
            y = depth, 
            shape = clarity)) + 
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, n = 40)

ggplot( data = dsmall, 
        aes(x = carat, 
            y = price, 
            shape = cut)) + 

Note that using shapes for an ordinal variable (call str(diamonds) to see that cut is an ordinal factor) is not advised. It works but there are probably better ways to do this.

ggplot2: set parameters

Set parameters manually with I() Inhibit Interpretation / Conversion of Objects. The I function inhibits the conversion of character vectors to factors and the dropping of names, and ensures that matrices are inserted as single columns. Here it will allow us to use a single argument for coloring and providing opacity to the points.

# Create a plot of the diamonds data 
# with carat on the x-axis, price on the y-axis. 
# Use the inhibit function to set the alpha to 0.1 
# and color to blue.
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = depth, 
           y = price, 
           alpha = I(0.4), 
           color = I("green"))) + 
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = carat, 
           y = price, 
           alpha = I(0.1), 
           color = I("blue"))) + 

ggplot2: geom options

With geom different types of plots can be defined e.g. points, line, boxplot, path, smooth. Here we use gemo-smooth to look at smoothed conditional means.

# Create a smaller data set of diamonds with 50 rows. 
# Create a scatterplot and smoothed conditional 
# means overlay with carat on the x-axis 
# and price on the y-axis.
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, 
                n = 10)

ggplot(data = dsmall, 
       aes(x = depth, 
           y = price))+
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, 
                n = 50)

ggplot(data = dsmall, 
       aes(x = carat, 
           y = price))+

ggplot2: smooth function

geom_smooth() selects a smoothing method based on the data. Use method = to specify your preferred smoothing method.

# Create a smaller data set of diamonds with 50 rows. 
# Create a scatterplot and smoothed conditional 
# means overlay with carat on the x-axis 
# and price on the y-axis.
# Use 'glm' as the option for the smoothing
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, 
                n = 10)

ggplot(data = dsmall, 
       aes(x = depth, 
           y = price))+ 
geom_smooth(method = 'glm')
dsmall <- top_n(diamonds, 
                n = 50)

ggplot(data = dsmall, 
       aes(x = carat, 
           y = price))+ 
geom_smooth(method = 'glm')

ggplot2: boxplots

  • Boxplots can be displayed through geom_boxplot().
# Change the boxplot so that the x-axis is cut and
#  the y-axis is price divided by carat
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = color, 
           y = carat)) + 
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = cut, 
           y = price/carat)) + 

ggplot2: jitter points

  • Jittered plots geom_jitter() show all points.
# Change the jittered boxplot so that the x-axis is cut and
#  the y-axis is price divided by carat
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = color, 
           y = carat)) + 
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = color, 
           y = price/carat)) + 

ggplot2: adding alpha

In case of overplotting changing alpha can help.

# Change the alpha to 0.4 to make 
# the scatter less transparent
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = color, 
           y = price/carat, 
           alpha = I(0.1))) + 
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = color, 
           y = price/carat, 
           alpha = I(0.4))) + 

ggplot2: geom_histogram

Here we use geom_histogram to create a density plot.

# Change the density plot so that the x-axis is carat 
# and the color is the diamond color
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = carat)) +
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = carat, 
           color = color)) +
# Change the density plot so that the x-axis is carat 
# the color is the diamond color
# and the alpha is set to 0.3 using the inhibit function
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = price, 
           color = cut, 
           alpha = I(0.5))) +
# Change the density plot so that the x-axis is carat 
# and the color is the diamond color
ggplot(data = diamonds, 
       aes(x = carat, 
           color = color, 
           alpha = I(0.3))) +

ggplot2 histograms

For more tools that offer visualizations of distributions and uncertainty see the decisionSupport vignette and the ggdist package.

ggplot2: subset

Use factor to subset the built in mpg data.

# Create a plot of the mpg data with 
# manufacturer as the color and a linear model 'lm'
# as the smooth method
ggplot(data = mpg, 
       aes(x = displ, 
           y = hwy,  
           color = class)) + 
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "glm")
ggplot(data = mpg, 
       aes(x = displ, 
           y = hwy,  
           color = manufacturer)) + 
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm")

ggplot2: “slow ggplotting”

for aes() in ggplot()

  • using fewer functions; example - using labs() to add a title instead of ggtitle()
  • using functions multiple times; example aes(x = var1) + aes(y = var2) rather than aes(x = var1, y = var2)
  • using base R functions and tidyverse functions. For other packages, the :: style to call them
  • write out arguments (no shortcuts) aes(x = gdppercap) not aes(gdppercap)

For more about this check out the ggplot flip book.

ggplot2: not slow example

Add a title and axis labels in ggplot.

# Change the title and labels as you see fit
           y = hp, 
           col = gear)) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("My Title") +
  labs(x = "the x label", 
       y = "the y label", 
       col = "legend title")
# Change the "My Title" portion of `ggtitle("My Title")` 
# to something else like "A really cool title"
# Change the "the y label" portion of `y = "the y label"` 
# to something else like "A very cool y label"
# Change the "the y label" portion of `x = "the x label"` 
# to something else like "An exceptionally cool x label"

ggplot2: slow ggplotting example

This is an example of a ‘slow ggplotting’ version for the same plot that we created above. This format can be easier to read later (more kind to other readers and future you) but can be more laborious to write.

# Change the title and labels as you see fit  
ggplot(data = mtcars) +
  aes(x = mpg) +
  labs(x = "the x label") +
  aes(y = hp) +
  labs(y = "the y label") +
  geom_point() +
  aes(col = gear) +
  labs(col = "legend title") +
  labs(title = "My Title")

ggplot2: geom_tile

  • Use dplyr, and ggplot2 together

We first subset the data to numeric only with select_if from the dplyr package. They way we use this, all the variables for which is.numeric returns TRUE are selected.

We use the cor function from the stats package can help us calculate correlations. We use the default of correlating all observations use = "everything" and using the method = "pearson" correlation. We wrap this in the round function from base R to reduce the number of decimals to 1 (not necessary but gives a little more nuance to the plot in the end).

We use the function from base R to create a melted correlation matrix. The results of this, i.e. names(melted_cormat), are “Var1”, “Var2” (x and y) and “value” (the correlation result). We use these for the aes options in ggplot2 and plot this as a geom_tile.

# subset the data to numeric only with select_if
part_data <- select_if(participants_data, 
# use 'cor' to perform pearson correlation
# use 'round' to reduce correlation 
# results to 1 decimal
cormat <- round(cor(part_data), 
                digits = 1)
# use '' to build a table
# with correlation values
melted_cormat <-, 
                                     responseName = "value")
# plot the result with 'geom-tile'
ggplot(data = melted_cormat, 
       aes(x = Var1,
           y = Var2,
           fill = value)) + 

Export Figures

To export figures we can use the png function from the grDevices library. Call the png() function and tell it your specifications for the plot (consider the requirements of the targeted publication). Then run the code that generates the plot before calling to reset the ‘active’ device.

png(file = "cortile.png", width = 7, height = 6, units = "in", res = 300)

ggplot(data = melted_cormat, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) + geom_tile() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
  • Check with journal about size, resolution etc.

Another output option is pdf. Query the help file with?pdf.

Tasks for the afternoon: Basic

Test your new skills

Your turn to perform

  • Create a scatter plot, barchart and boxplot (as above)
  • Vary the sample and run the same analysis and plots
  • Save your most interesting figure and share it with us


Bache, Stefan Milton, and Hadley Wickham. 2020. Magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for r.
Chang, Winston, Joe Cheng, JJ Allaire, Carson Sievert, Barret Schloerke, Yihui Xie, Jeff Allen, Jonathan McPherson, Alan Dipert, and Barbara Borges. 2021. Shiny: Web Application Framework for r.
Henry, Lionel, and Hadley Wickham. 2020. Purrr: Functional Programming Tools.
R Core Team. 2021. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
Schloerke, Barret, JJ Allaire, and Barbara Borges. 2020. Learnr: Interactive Tutorials for r.
Wickham, Hadley. 2021a. Tidyr: Tidy Messy Data.
———. 2021b. Tidyverse: Easily Install and Load the Tidyverse.
Wickham, Hadley, Winston Chang, Lionel Henry, Thomas Lin Pedersen, Kohske Takahashi, Claus Wilke, Kara Woo, Hiroaki Yutani, and Dewey Dunnington. 2021. Ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics.
Wickham, Hadley, Romain François, Lionel Henry, and Kirill Müller. 2021. Dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation.
Wickham, Hadley, Jim Hester, and Jennifer Bryan. 2021. Readr: Read Rectangular Text Data.